St. Andrews Country Club has received certification in Wildlife and Habitat Management from the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses (ACSP), an international program administered by Audubon International designed to help landowners preserve and enhance the environmental quality of their property. This most recent certification, their third, follows the Water Conservation achievement earned in October 2011. St. Andrews Country Club is seeking to earn certification in all six categories, all of which involve projects that enhance habitat for wildlife and preserve natural resources for the benefit of the local community.
George Kervern, St. Andrews Country Club Director of Golf Course Maintenance and his professional team, were commended for increasing the native vegetation around the club and golf courses, providing a positive impact on many species of birds and small mammals by providing them with much-needed food. Kervern stated, “We’ve increased the wooded under story in our forested areas, which Audubon notes is vital to the survival of these species. Audubon also commended our efforts to increase vegetated shorelines, which both provides a habitat for native animals and also buffers and protects the water on our property.”