Smart interviewing tactics reveal personal characteristics that help the best candidates stand out. But how do you attract a great crop of candidates in the first place?
Start at home. “View people in your current workforce as recruiters,” says Alan Weiss, president of Summit Consulting Group, East Greenwich, RI. ( “Tell them you are hiring and you would love recommendations. If you already have an enthusiastic workforce, they will find similar people.”
Expand your reach into community organizations. “The best employers are always networking,” says Rebecca Mazin, a cofounder of Tarrytown, NY,-based Recruit Right ( “Always talk with people and find out what they do. Keep alert for prospects through organizations such as your Chamber of Commerce, business associations, and the gym.”
Seek out creative ways to reach into the community. “Even small employers can talk at local colleges.” says Mazin. “Or consider hosting student tours of your workplace. Identify prospects early and frequently, and keep in touch.”