
Waste Water Solution: Biohaven Floating Islands

More than 4500 BioHaven® Floating Islands have been deployed throughout the US and abroad, to improve water quality and the environment overall. Field results and research data continue to grow and we have numerous case studies that span a broad range of applications including: stormwater, waste water, habitat, fishing, wave mitigation and shoreline protection. This piece focuses on waste water.

If you manage a waste water facility that is having permit compliance issues or you just dont have the safety margin you would like, BioHaven® Floating Islands may be able to save you capital investments, service and maintenance expenses, and penalty fees, all while getting you back or keeping you in compliance.

If you are a waste water regulator or authority, BioHaven® Floating Islands can help your region improve and meet compliance goals, especially with today’s tight budgets.

If you are a solutions/service provider for waste water facilities, BioHaven® Floating Islands could be an important supplimental tool you can provide your waste water customers.

For more information please read further, check out our website, and/or call us.

Rob Crook (919) 260-5082 [email protected]

Ray Davis (919) 345-8789 [email protected]

Waste Water Applications

BioHaven Floating Islands are a cost effective tertiary treatment for waste water facilities, particulary medium to small municipal systems and small organic industrial systems. The perfect waste water application would be a municipality or industrial facility that struggles to meet compliance during upset or heavy loading conditions, but wants to avoid major expenditures on concrete and steel, or in some cases BioHaven Floating Islands can serve as a “bridge solution” until new treatment faclities can be built. Another waste water niche is animal processing waste water and farm effluent lagoons where run off and odor are a threat to the neighboring communities.

If you know your contaminant concentrations and the target amount you want to remove, the following table provides typical removal rates, initial/first year investment, and a five year amortizied cost that includes the first year’s investment plus annual maintenance expenses.

lb Removedper CU FT of Island per YR

Typical 1st YRInvestment per lb Removed

Typical 5 YR Amortized Cost per lb Removed per YR


Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Ammonia (NH4N)

Total Nitrogen (TN)

Total Phosphorus (TP)

This information is based on research data and actual case study results.

Waste Water Case Study

The purpose of this BioHaven Floating Island application was to reduce the nutrient load in a municipal waste water pond.

Prior to the installation of BioHaven Floating Islands, this facility exceeded their permit limits, 30 times. Since the launch of BioHaven Floating Islands, they have stayed within compliance limits.

This case study illustrates that BioHaven Floating Islands have the ability to reduce unwanted nutrients and pollutants such as BOD, TSS, Fecals, COD and Ammonia in a waste water application.

BioHaven® Floating Islands biomic nature and provide a “concentrated wetland effect” that can help solve many environmental problems challenging our water and wildlife. Unlike natural or constructed wetlands, they can be launched in any depth of water and are unaffected by varying water levels.

Floating Island SE

(FISE) is an exclusive and licensed manufacturer of BioHaven Floating Islands and this proprietary technology. FISE works with universities, municipalities, government agencies, engineering firms, and various environmental strategic partners to design and sell customized solutions that leverage the BioHaven Floating Island technology.

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