

Gallo & Associates, a sales organization based in New Milford, CT, will be representing Underhill International in New England and eastern Canada, reported Ed Underhill, president of the firm.
Underhill manufactures an extensive line of water-saving irrigation products for golf courses, sports fields and residential and commercial installations.
Phil Gallo and Jason Andrews will direct Underhill sales. Their contact phone number is 860.350.5111 and email address is: [email protected].
The territory covered by Gallo & Associates will include: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. In addition, the firm will handle the eastern Canadian provinces of Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and Quebec.

Underhill’s expanding line of products include FCI Precision Nozzles and SuperKey for golf courses; 2Wire Decoder systems; Mirage sprinklers; Water Dex remote controls; Gulp Series pumps; Precision and Magnum nozzles; LiquidPro and PelletPro applicator guns; TurfSpy stress detection glasses and more.
Underhill International is headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, and has been in business for 30 years.

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