Underhill International has entered a partnership agreement with KALO, supplier of well-known turf and ornamental products, including Tournament-Ready®, Hydro-Wet®, H2O Maximizer® and Medalist®.
The agreement was jointly announced by Ed Underhill, president of Underhill International, and Chuck Champion, president of KALO, Inc.
KALO turf and ornamental products will now be sold and marketed exclusively by Underhill International under the co-branding agreement.
“This partnership presents a unique opportunity to provide golf course superintendents and turf professionals with water conservation products that enhance turf quality while applying water efficiently,” said Underhill.
“As water conservation becomes a priority worldwide, KALO soil surfactants, working in tandem with Underhill irrigation products, will help maximize coverage while ensuring healthier turf and plants,” he said.
Founded in 1932, KALO has been a pioneer in the development of water management soil wetting agents, tank mix adjuvants, water conditioning agents, as well as other specialty products for turf and agriculture. The company is based in Overland, KS.
“Underhill has an enviable reputation for excellence in irrigation management technologies,” said Champion.
“The company’s state-of-the-art irrigation products, combined with KALO’s growing lines of advanced wetting agents, surfactants and other specialty chemicals, will now offer golf course and turf professionals a complete package of water management solutions,” he said.
Underhill Intl has been supplying the turf industry with water efficient irrigation equipment worldwide for more than 33 years. The company is headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, has offices in Australia, Colombia, Mexico, and Scotland. Among the company’s most popular products are Profile™ Solid Metal Golf Nozzles; M-160™ Total Solutions Kits for sports fields; Sapien™ 2Wire Controllers; Novo™ 2Wire Converters; and Precision™ and Magnum™ hose-end nozzles.