November 18-20 • Myrtle Beach, SC
Horry Georgetown Technical College Conference Center/Myrtle Beach Convention Center
Monday – November 18th
Golf Tournament
9:00 AM Registration
10:00 AM Tee times start
Arcadian Shores Golf Club
710 Hilton Road, Myrtle Beach, SC
COST: $25
Lunch will be provided after golf
Proper Golf attire required
Tuesday – November 19th
Horry-Georgetown Technical
College Conference Center,
Grand Stands Campus
950 Crabtree Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC
7:30 AM Breakfast/Registration
Coffee, Juice, Assorted Muffins and Pastries
8-12 AM Morning Seminars
How to get the MOST out of your Ultradwarf
Mowing Practice
Attendees will review all aspects of mower setup and
how it relates to the cultural practices commonly associated with Ultradwarf putting greens.
Instructor: Rodney Lingle, CGCS, Memphis Country Club
Reel Technology
Attendees will learn how your grinding practices can
affect your machinery, learn maintenance practices,
evaluate the best grinding techniques and see how to
maximize potential problems before they happen.
Instructors: Erik Sides, EETC Greg Womble, Revels Turf & Tractor
Bill Ledford, Tri-State Pump and Controls
12:00 PM General Events
TETAC Table-Top Trade Show
Lunch sponsored by Smith Turf & Irrigation
Annual Meeting–Turf Tech of the Year Award
1-4 PM Afternoon Seminars
1-3 PM Panel Discussion
Burke Anders, Smith Turf & Irrigation
Bill Ledford, Tri-State Pump and Controls
Greg Womble, Revels Turf & Tractor
Moderator: Rex Floyd, North Ridge Country Club
3-4 PM STIHL Seminar
Get the most from your equipment and reduce the risk
of injury and accidents. You will review OSHA guidelines;
proper safety apparel and practices; fuel recommendations;
bar maintenance and chainsaw sharpening
Instructor: Adam Smith, Product Application Specialist, STIHL
1-4 PM Reel Technology Certification Test
Proctor: Bill Ledford, Tri-State Pump and Controls
4-7 PM Carolina’s GCSA Trade Show
7-10 PM Carolinas Night at the Beach
Revolutions / Crocodile Rocks
Broadway at the Beach
1320 Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach
Wednesday – November 20th
Myrtle Beach Convention Center
2101 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC
7-8 AM Fellowship Breakfast
Ballroom D
Speaker: Danny Allen, Superintendent, Camden Country Club
8-11 AM Morning Seminar
360 Degree Leadership
Lead from anywhere in the organization. You do not
need to be the boss or the owner to be the leader!
Instructor: Steve Keating SCPS, CSE, CME,
The Toro Company
11-2:30 PM Carolinas GCSA Trade Show
and luncheon buffet
Steve Keating SCPS, CSE, CME,
The Toro Company
He is currently the Selling Skills Manager for The Toro Company working with Toro’s Commercial, Consumer, LCB, Irrigation and
International Businesses. In his role as Sales Education Manager he is responsible for the implementation of The Toro Selling System within Commercial and Irrigation and International distributors. He is also the developer of Toro Professional Sales Certification Process which was introduced in 2004. Steve has over 25 years of sales and sales management experience and he speaks dozens of times a year on topics relating to sales, customer service, management, team building, leadership and business management.