An article written as part of the overall marketing campaign for Turf Connections, a sod farm based in Cheraw, South Carolina, won a national marketing award last month. The article written for titled “Secret Weapon: Notre Dame Golf Team Proves Practice on Live Grass Indoors Leads to Wins” was awarded First Place in the Writing for Company Website category at the 2018 Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association (TOCA) Awards event held in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The article tells the story of how Marc Marsh, owner of Turf Connections, helped the prestigious Notre Dame University men’s golf team by sending them live sod to practice golf swings on during the winter. Notre Dame Golf Coach and former PGA Tour player Scott Gump, sings Marsh’s praises in the article. Gump said the addition of real grass made a difference in the team’s performance, even winning their first tournament after practicing on the live grass from Turf Connections.
“I do know that we’ve had a couple of guys with tender wrists who have mentioned it. They feel better about their game because they’ve gotten the short game work in. It’s all a factor to me,” Gump said. “The grass, it absolutely helps.
Marsh said winning national recognition for his company’s marketing efforts was a great honor. But more than that, it confirms that he is meeting his goal of serving his customers and helping them to succeed by growing and installing the turf they need for golf courses, sports fields and home lawns.
“Our goal at Turf Connections is to grow, harvest and install high-quality turf,” Marsh said. “Who knew from our small corner in Cheraw that we’d have the opportunity to help the Notre Dame golf team win some tournaments? It means a lot to us to see our grass contribute to their success.”
What’s Your Avocado? Marketing & Public Relations created the award-winning article and is the agency of record for Turf Connection.s Based in Mount Vernon, Washington, the firm specializes in turfgrass and agricultural marketing.