Irrigation and Drainage

Toro T5 RapidSet® Series Stainless Steel Model Now Available

Toro announces the availability of a new stainless steel riser option to its line of best-selling T5 RapidSet® Series rotors. The new models feature a reinforced riser and nozzle base assembly constructed from commercial-grade 304 stainless steel, making them ideal for areas subjected to heavy foot traffic and sandy soil conditions.

“The new T5 RapidSet stainless steel rotor offers landscape architects and irrigation designers a ¾- inch rotor option designed to address the unique challenges of high traffic areas and sites with coarse and sandy soil,” said Orion Goe, product marketing manager for Toro’s Irrigation Business. “Further, users benefit from the time-saving tool-free arc adjustment of the unrivaled RapidSet feature.”

While coarse and sandy soil is abrasive and can cause scoring to a plastic riser that over time can lead to leaks at the wiper seal or the inability for the riser to fully retract, the new T5 RapidSet stainless steel model helps eliminate these issues. In areas frequented by pedestrians, like public parks, common spaces and greenways, the stainless steel riser also helps to deter vandalism, resulting in fewer replacements over time.

In addition to “TOOL FREE” arc adjustments, the T5 RapidSet stainless steel rotor features a 5-inch pop-up height, and Toro’s exclusive, class-leading Airfoil® Technology nozzles for unmatched uniformity.

The new T5 RapidSet stainless steel models are available for immediate shipment. For more information, please visit

About The Toro Company
The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf, snow and ground engaging equipment, and irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions. With sales of $2.4 billion in fiscal 2015, Toro’s global presence extends to more than 90 countries. Through constant innovation and caring relationships built on trust and integrity, Toro and its family of brands have built a legacy of excellence by helping customers care for golf courses, landscapes, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties and agricultural fields. For more information, visit

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