
Toro Irrigation Provides Free High-Efficiency Nozzles in July

With July being recognized as “Smart Irrigation Month” by the Irrigation Association, Toro Irrigation is showing support by offering a free zone of its award-winning, water-saving Precision Series Spray nozzles free of charge to its customers during the month of July. The Precision Series Spray nozzles’ patented H20 Chip Technology makes it possible to achieve distances of throw equivalent to that of conventional spray nozzles, but with up to 30% less water usage. Each H20 chip incorporates hyper-streams of water that oscillate at high frequency within a specially designed chamber.

“Precision Irrigation is a key driver in our business. We are constantly seeking to provide customer-valued and innovative solutions that are good for everyone, including designers, distributors, contractors and ultimately, end-users and the environment,” said Jeff Miller, marketing manager for Toro’s Residential and Commercial Irrigation Business. “Precision Spray nozzles have revolutionized the watering of outdoor landscapes similar to the way low-flow toilets, shower heads and CFL light bulbs have made the inside of homes more efficient.”

Precision Series Spray nozzles are available in a wide array of spacings and distances, from 4 feet up to 15 feet. These nozzles are designed to work with nearly all manufacturers’ spray bodies, making them one of the most sought-after retrofit tools in the irrigation industry today. “For the month of July we will be giving away 12 free spray nozzles (one zone) which can save the end-user upwards of 15,000 gallons annually without sacrificing plant health and they only take a few minutes to install,” Miller says. “The opportunity for savings across all landscapes is enormous and we want to do our part by helping to show customers that technology is available outside of the home as well.”

Customers can receive up to 12 FREE Precision Series Spray nozzles by going to their local Toro Professional Irrigation distributor and filling out the necessary information. For a list of distributors in your area, simply go to, and click on Where to Buy. Under Professional Contractor, choose the Irrigation Solutions locater and enter your zip code.

For more information about Toro Precision Series Spray nozzles, visit

About The Toro Company
The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) is a leading worldwide provider of turf and landscape maintenance equipment, and precision irrigation systems. With sales of nearly $1.7 billion in fiscal 2010, Toro’s global presence extends to more than 80 countries through its reputation of world-class service, innovation and turf expertise. Since 1914, the company has built a tradition of excellence around a number of strong brands to help customers care for golf courses, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties, and agricultural fields. More information is available at

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