July 13, 2015 – The Toro Company announces the launch of WaterSmart.Toro.com, a new website focused on providing a resource to educate homeowners and businesses about available options to save water. The launch of the site coincides with Smart Irrigation Month, which was begun by the Irrigation Association to draw attention to water-saving irrigation innovation and has gained recognition throughout the U.S.
The site is centered on the concept that homeowners and businesses can achieve significant water savings without having to sacrifice the green spaces they enjoy. Many faced with escalating watering rates and increased restrictions may believe that taking drastic and sometimes expensive measures to remove their lawns is one of their only options to comply with mandates and regulations.
“Being a California-based business, we are sensitive to the pressures homeowners and businesses are facing when it comes to maintaining their lawn and landscape,” said Burnett Jones, Toro marketing manager for residential and commercial irrigation. “We are launching this site in an effort to let people know that there are several options available, and that sprinkler technology has made significant advancements in recent years to achieve water savings. In fact, Toro has several products that can save consumers up to 30% or more on outdoor water use.”
The website provides tips and information about water savings, news on water and drought issues, and introduces Toro’s line of innovative WaterSmart® products that have been designed to effectively maintain landscapes while using water responsibly. When installed, these products save a significant amount of water when compared to the outdated sprinkler technology from just a few years ago.
Once they have examined the site and available options, homeowners and businesses that want to further explore upgrading or adding new water-saving sprinkler technology can locate a retailer, purchase online, or WaterSmart.Toro.com will help them locate a contractor in their area who will do the installation work for them.
Similar to the improvements in indoor water use brought by high-efficiency shower heads and low-flush toilets, the technology and innovation has been developed to significantly save on outdoor water use without having to sacrifice our landscapes and green spaces. With proper sprinkler maintenance and a few upgrades, homeowners and businesses can do their part.
For more information about the site or immediate water-saving solutions from Toro, visit WaterSmart.Toro.com.
About The Toro Company
The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf, snow and ground engaging equipment, and irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions. With sales of $2.2 billion in fiscal 2014, Toro’s global presence extends to more than 90 countries. Through constant innovation and caring relationships built on trust and integrity, Toro and its family of brands have built a legacy of excellence by helping customers care for golf courses, landscapes, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties and agricultural fields. For more information, visit www.toro.com.