
Toro introduces Reelmaster 5010-H hybrid fairway mower (Feb 25)

February 25, 2015 – Toro has announced the addition of the Reelmaster 5010-H hybrid fairway mower to Toro’s trusted commercial mower lineup. The Reelmaster 5010-H features a true hybrid drive system. The Reelmaster 5010-H can deliver over 40 horsepower on-demand for climbing steep hills, verticutting, scalping or to support other peak load situations.

Three years of real-world field testing have proven not only that the Reelmaster 5010-H has the power to perform in the most rigorous golf course conditions, but it also saves significant time and money.

Through the integration of the PowerMatch system, the unit couples a 24.8 hp Tier 4 compliant Kubota diesel engine with an inline motor generator and a self-charging 48-volt battery pack to provide consistent, productive and efficient traction and cutting performance. The new Reelmaster 5010-H boasts average fuel savings of 20 percent when compared to other conventional fairway mowers and significantly more fuel savings when operated in the economy mode.

“Alternative power technology is increasingly important to the industry, and we’re excited to be on the forefront of this movement,” said Steven Peterson, marketing manager for Toro. “We are proud of the fact that we are able to offer the industry’s first and only fairway mower with a true hybrid drive system, but we’re even more excited about the numerous benefits it will bring to our customers.”

The move from hydraulic to electric cutting units has also resulted in other key customer benefits. First, the electric motors provide more precise control of both reel speed and clip rates, which translate into a more consistent cut quality and improved playability. Secondly, end users experience reduced maintenance downtime due to the elimination of the hydraulic components commonly associated with traditional cutting units. Over 100 potential leak points have been removed from the cutting system as a result of the move to all-electric cutting unit motors.

“We also have engineered a number of operator comforts into the Reelmaster 5010-H, by taking the best parts of the time-tested 5010 Series platform and integrating hybrid technology into the already popular fairway mower line,” Peterson said. “Operators and technicians alike will appreciate the easy-to-use integrated onboard InfoCenter display, which provides system alerts, service reminders, diagnostics, and vehicle traction and cutting notifications.”

The new Reelmaster 5010-H also features Plug ’n’ Mow technology, which allows it to accept 5-inch (12.7 cm) or 7-inch (17.7 cm) diameter Dual Point Adjustment (DPA) cutting units in 8 or 11 blade configurations.

The Reelmaster 5010-H hybrid fairway mower will be available through Toro’s trusted network of authorized distributors beginning in March of 2015.


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