The game of golf is never characterized by smooth landscapes. If it were, a singular afternoon playing 18 holes would more closely resemble a game of putt-putt than a triumphant win at the Masters. It is because of all the twists and turns, the bumps and divots, that golf is a beloved game. With rough and uneven terrain, we know that players and equipment can certainly take a beating. Golf carts are no exception to that rule, especially when they are running around courses day in and day out, at the mercy of the weather and the drivers.
The golf cart market has been on a steady 5 percent annual growth as manufacturers try to meet the ever-changing challenges of courses, expectations of players, and an aging population. From stereos and GPS systems to headlights, air conditioning systems, and heaters, golf carts, and their batteries are now expected to do even more. In the future, we can expect mobile technologies such as Bluetooth, USB chargers, and even self-monitoring performance trackers to be added. But, with all this new technology comes added challenges. As golf carts get more feature-rich, they demand more power and performance from the battery. Thus, a higher capacity battery is needed to fuel the desired output.
Now more than ever, the need for dependable batteries is at an all-time high. With so much in the way of consistency, reliability, and performance, it is important for golf course superintendents to guarantee the safety and the highest level of performance for players ready to take on the course in a super-charged golf cart. To make sure every golf cart is functioning at its best, superintendents must ensure that each golf car is equipped with the best-fitting battery possible. Before you make your next golf cart battery purchase, ask yourself these three questions about your vendor:
Are they experts in the battery industry?
Your battery supplier should know optimal working conditions and maintenance for your golf carts to ensure they are at peak performance. While batteries are built to last, they often fall victim to the brutality of the summer scorch or winter freeze. Temperatures over 80 degrees can shorten battery life, while colder temperatures can reduce the battery’s available charge capacity. It is important that a golf cart battery supplier understands how batteries can become vulnerable during extreme temperatures, in order to prevent failure.
Related: Stay Safe with Golf Carts by Understanding These 7 Safety Tips
It’s also important that your battery supplier understands how to best charge your golf cart fleet for maximum performance. There are several golf cart charger manufacturers each with different capabilities and settings, depending upon the battery used. It is important that the charger and the battery have the same algorithm to properly and effectively function. A good supplier should provide recommendations to you on what to look for when selecting a charger to fit your batteries. Similarly, charging golf carts should be a matter of opportunity. Whenever there is a spare moment to plug in the golf cart, charge it up! However, make sure to never charge the battery past maximum capacity and always allow for ventilation to prevent the buildup of flammable hydrogen gas. Your supplier should have vast knowledge of all batteries, so that they make informed recommendations on maintenance and routine care that fit all of your golf cart needs.
Do you consider your current vendor a business partner?
A supplier should be more than a vendor; they should be a partner, someone who is invested in the success of you and your business. If your vendor offers local service, make sure they also offer you products by a trusted brand. This gives them the ability to learn your specific needs and pull from their years of experience to provide solutions that effectively and efficiently improve your business. Having that local touch also guarantees you are provided with the best product and service—fresh batteries delivered, top-notch warranties offered regionally focused tips for maintaining performance. Batteries are perishable, and time on the shelf reduces time on the green, so make sure your supplier is good at product rotation to help you get the most life and performance out of each battery.
In addition, they should be looking for ways to keep you from risk. Does your vendor have a recycling program? Lead-acid batteries need to be disposed of properly to prevent any harm to people and the environment. Any battery supplier should make it a point to meet or even exceed federal and state transportation and environmental regulations, in order to protect your community and your business. Find a supplier that understands the need to create a cleaner, greener world through the proper disposal of spent batteries.
Are your golf carts equipped with the best batteries?
Above all, a supplier needs to be able to provide you with the highest quality product. Without a quality battery, your golf carts could leave your customers stranded and unhappy, and ultimately, lose you money. Look for a supplier that puts their batteries through a quality standards assessment to ensure the highest performance and reliability of the product. They should look to see that the manufacturer is first-rate, that the product holds up consistently in extreme conditions, and that they continue to meet the battery’s published ratings of performance standards. And, if for some reason their battery does fail, they should have it backed by an exceptional warranty.
As golf carts continue to evolve, so must the batteries that power them. It is important to find an experienced, service-oriented, and reliable battery supplier when maintaining a fleet of golf carts. When reliability and performance are the two most important criteria on your list of battery needs, choose a supplier that is the outrageously dependable choice.