
The Rose family re-enters the professional turfgrass industry

Professional turfgrass icons, Bill Rose and his daughter, Crystal Rose-Fricker, announce their return to the professional turfgrass seed industry.

The Rose family has formed a new turf seed production and marketing company called Pure Seed. Crystal serves as the president of the new corporation and Bill as the vice president; Ed Rose and Cara Rose Tuggle also serve on the board of directors.

Pure Seed has been planting future production, with a range of varieties coming to harvest in 2012. Their portfolio consists of 30 turfgrasses, including some new varieties that Pure Seed will introduce to the market.

According to Crystal, the company is approaching the new Pure Seed turfgrass varieties with deliberation. “The varieties that we are producing are being done intentionally,” she explains, “We’re not just growing seed for the sake of growing seed. We selected varieties that have specific traits and good seed production potential to be able to meet the needs of our customers. And we are being very careful about the quantities we are planting to balance production with the demand we are getting from our distributors.” Pure Seed is marketing its turf, forage and reclamation varieties worldwide.

The industry’s reception to the Rose family return has been positive. “Distributors and growers are giving us a warm reception, saying they are pleased to work with us again,” Crystal adds, “We are just as excited to work with each of them.”

For more information about Pure Seed, email sales manager, Russ Hayworth, at [email protected], or corporate strategy manager, Lucas Solis, at [email protected].

About Pure Seed
Pure Seed is a family-owned grass seed production and marketing company with high standards. Pure Seed offers cool- and warm-season grass species for forage, turf and erosion control in professional markets. Pure Seed strives to serve the marketplace through their research company, Pure-Seed Testing, which offers research in Oregon and North Carolina, as well as trials around the world. The highly experienced agronomists at Pure Seed serve distributors and seed customers with technical advice, impeccable service and prompt responses to questions.

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