Evergreen Turf Covers was developed 35 years ago primarily for winter protection and as germination blankets to repair damaged areas on golf courses and sports fields. Since that creation of Evergreen in 1984, many different types of covers or covering systems have been tried on golf courses and sports fields and have had varying degrees of success and varying degrees of failure. In every application of Evergreen, the results have been greater than anticipated. With those years of experience, Evergreen has seen it all. Whether the cover has been used in cold winters, mild winters, the results were the same perfect. That is why Evergreen is the cover of choice for many turf managers worldwide and is known as the STANDARD IN THE INDUSTRY.
The demand for Evergreen has increased dramatically over the past years as golfer demand a better playing surface to play on as well as all sports fields. In general, wherever quality turf is demanded Evergreen is there. In addition, where the amount of golfers has decreased the focus to attract the declining numbers of golfers has been more critical to the clubs. Nothing attracts more golfers than a manicured golf course in top playing conditions.
Whereas Evergreen had been used primarily for winter protection, we now find that demand expanding to grow ins, renovation projects, frost protection generally overall where protection and germination is a must.
A significant breakthrough in the turf cover market was the introduction of the Radiant Turf Cover which supports a 12-year warranty. The unique design characteristics of the Radiant cover promotes rapid growth by radiating the heat back into the lace coating with increased temperatures up to 12 degrees. No more valuable soil temperatures lost during the evening night time or cooler times of the year. Only with Evergreen Radiant Cover.
Evergreens one-piece, lightweight construction, powder-coated pin sod staples which are included with every cover make Evergreen the cover of choice. The features and proven history are what superintendents and turf managers alike demand when selecting the optimum cover.
Dollar for dollar Evergreen is the least expensive cover offered due to its quality.
In these days of warranties, guarantees, and promises Evergreen has stood the test of time. As the foremost provider and leader in the turf cover industry, we offer three different types of warranties for different needs and budgets. The 12 years Radiant in grey, the 10 year Premium in green and the 7 years Original in white. We have the experience to provide these warranties due to our history and in most cases, the covers exceed the warranty program. After the existing cover has been fully used it can be simply cut down with no fear to unravel due to its construction and can be used as tee box covers or other needed repair areas on the course or field.
Lastly, the success of Evergreen over these many years cannot be solely attributed to the cover itself. We thank the support of the superintendents and turf managers worldwide as without their support and their word of mouth we would nt be as successful as we are. As well our list of distributors that have supported our company with many of them being there at the start and have enjoyed providing a quality product to their customers.
Bill Thompson