Golf Course Trades Terms & Conditions

  1. Space cancellations are not accepted after 1 month (30 days) prior to the execution date. If new material for scheduled insertion is not received then, Golf Course Trades reserves the right to repeat the most recent asset.
  2. All advertisements are subject to acceptance by Golf Course Trades and the advertising contract is therefore deemed to have been entered into in Cumberland County and governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee. Both Golf Course Trades and Advertiser consent to that jurisdiction. Orders are accepted subject to the terms and provisions of our current advertising rate card, which will prevail in case of any inconsistency or conflict with the Advertiser’s order.
  3. This agreement is not subject to cancellation or termination because the advertisement is in an undesirable position. Any improper insertions, errors, or omissions shall be corrected by Golf Course Trades and made good by repeat or extra exposure, but not otherwise. No deductions from the total sum due to Golf Course Trades shall be made for/on account of any improper insertion, omission, or error. The obligation of Golf Course Trades under this agreement is limited to correcting any improper insertions, omissions, or errors by the additional regular digital advertisements. Advertiser shall not be liable for payment of improper insertions but is responsible for payment of correcting insertions. Intentional omission after the closing date is permitted after consultation with the advertiser.
  4. Golf Course Trades reserves the right to decline or refuse any advertiser for any reason, at any time, without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted. Unintentional, inadvertent, or refusal to publish advertising invalidates the insertion order for that issue only. Failure of Golf Course Trades to insert any advertisement shall be considered immaterial and not constitute a breach of this contract, nor shall Golf Course Trades be liable for damages, therefore.
  5. Golf Course Trades shall not be liable for copy and/or key changes unless provided with proper digital replacement materials and a written request from Advertiser.
  6. Golf Course Trades does not accept responsibility for advertising material left after 6 months.
  7. Golf Course Trades guarantees “Pleasing Color” consistent RGB monitor displays.
  8. Advertisers represent that they are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter of the advertisements presented to Golf Course Trades. In consideration of Golf Course Trades’ acceptance of such material for publication, the Advertiser shall indemnify and hold harmless Golf Course Trades from any and all loss, cost, expense, and damages on account of any and all manner of claims, demand, actions and proceedings that may be instituted against Golf Course Trades on grounds alleging that any advertisement submitted hereunder by or on behalf of Advertiser violates any copyright or any proprietary right of any person, or that it contains any matter that is libelous or scandalous, or invades any person’s right to privacy or other personal rights. Advertiser agrees to, at their own expense, promptly defend and continue the defense of any such claim, demand, action, or proceeding that may be brought against Golf Course Trades. The Advertiser shall reimburse Golf Course Trades for any amount paid by Golf Course Trades in settlement of claims or in satisfaction of judgments obtained by reason of the publication of such advertising copy, together with all expenses incurred in connection therewith, including but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs.
  9. These Terms & Conditions combined with the authorized insertion agreement contain the entire Agreement of the Parties. No representations were made or relied upon by either party, other than those expressly set forth in this Agreement. No agent, employee, or other representatives of either party is empowered to alter any of the terms hereof unless done in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer, employee, or other representatives of the respective parties.

Golf Course Trades is produced by Golf Trades LLC, a partnership of James Wilson and Carrie Vandever. All assets (, Golf Course Trades Weekly eNewsletter, the Online Golf Course Trades Directory, and the social media channels branded Golf Course Trades) are copyrighted and can’t be reproduced or reprinted without explicit permission from owners.


All Digital Marketing is paid upfront. Advertisers will be invoiced 4 weeks prior to the exposure date and are DUE ON RECEIPT. If payment is not received within 14 days prior to digital exposure, this could delay your advertisement being available in your desired time.

Golf Course Trades DELINQUENCIES:

Golf Course Trades will hold the Advertiser either liable for any delinquencies. Delinquent contracts are voidable at Golf Course Trades’ discretion and the balance will be “short-rated” to reflect current prices. Any offered discounts will be removed, maximum allowable interest will be applied to each invoice, and contracted “bonus space” used will be billed at cost, AND A COLLECTION COMPANY AGENCY PLACEMENT FEE WILL BE ADDED TO THE BALANCE. THIS FEE WILL BE THE FEE CHARGED TO GOLF COURSE TRADES BY THE OUTSIDE AGENCY TO COLLECT THE ACCOUNT. THESE FEES RANGE FROM 30% TO 50% OR MORE. Should the collector recommend court action, the advertiser shall also be liable for reasonable attorney fees and court costs.

Golf Course Trades Brand

Golf Course Trades shall mean Golf Trades LLC of Crossville, TN. Golf Course Trades shall cover, Golf Course Trades Weekly eNewsletter, the Online Golf Course Trades Directory, and the social media channels branded Golf Course Trades. Advertiser shall mean the company whose product or service is being advertised. In the event of legal entities other than Sole Proprietorship, Advertiser shall also mean the individual who by authorizing the agreement, is consenting to personal liability, either jointly or severally, by assuring that payment is guaranteed as contracted and that these Terms & Conditions are complied with.

Golf Course Trades is produced by Golf Trades LLC and is a golf course superintendent niche digital marketing specialist. Golf Course Trades utilizes the 30 years of b2b relationships to help companies target golf courses utilizing our website, newsletter, and online turf directory. Please contact Golf Course Trades at or call (931) 484-8819 to request a full media kit.

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Copyright © 2016-2022 The Golf Course Trades

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