Provides improved control of spiral, lance, root-knot and sting nematodes
To provide faster enhancements to turf quality for golf course superintendents managing plant parasitic nematodes, Syngenta has announced a new curative spot treatment rate for Divanem® nematicide.
At the spot treatment rate of 12.2 oz./10,000 ft.2, more product is available to turf roots and plant tissue. This helps provide even greater control of a broad spectrum of nematodes, including spiral, lance, root-knot and sting, on golf course greens, tees and fairways. It also results in more rapid turf quality improvements than when using the Divanem broadcast rate. Divanem is recommended for use as part of an agronomic program to better manage multiple nematode species and prevent the onset of resistance.
“The broad-spectrum activity of Divanem makes it an ideal foundation for any nematicide program,” said Lane Tredway, Ph.D., technical services manager for turf at Syngenta. “In particular, spot treatment applications offer greater activity for curative applications or for very high populations, and have provided excellent control of root-knot and spiral nematodes in field trials.”
Divanem targets nematodes where they are most active, helping protect turf from nematode damage, which can make roots more susceptible to disease and drought. Turf that is properly protected will be more durable and can recover more quickly from stress. Using Divanem with a fungicide like Heritage® Action™, Velista® or Posterity® provides even greater turf quality and protection against disease and abiotic stress.
“Turf quality is a critical indicator of the effectiveness of a nematicide program,” said Stephanie Schwenke, turf market manager for Syngenta. “With this new label amendment, superintendents have more application options that can help provide greater turf quality, resulting in enhanced root growth, increased drought tolerance and more stress-tolerant turf.”
The Divanem supplemental label must be in the possession of the user at the time of spot treatment. Existing Divanem inventory may be used at the spot treatment rate as long as the supplemental label is on hand.
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