To help golf course superintendents better manage dollar spot all season long, Syngenta has launched a new solutions-based website,, which includes a dollar spot prediction tool, trial data, videos and more. These new resources allow superintendents to actively monitor their courses for dollar spot development and stay up to date on the latest dollar spot solutions, research trials and agronomic program recommendations.
“Research has shown that 43 percent of surveyed superintendents want more solutions to control dollar spot, more than any other disease1,” explained Stephanie Schwenke, turf market manager for Syngenta. “To help meet those needs, we developed these online resources and delivered two innovative new fungicides, Posterity® and Secure® Action™, to help control dollar spot.”
The dollar spot prediction tool is based on the model developed by Damon Smith, Ph.D., and Jim Kerns, Ph.D., et al. It helps predict the likelihood of disease development by using local, real-time weather data and disease thresholds. Superintendents can use that data to plan their fungicide applications accordingly.
Through Syngenta, superintendents can also sign up to receive email alerts when their area reaches a recommended 20 percent risk threshold, and weather conditions are conducive for dollar spot.
Additionally, superintendents can explore an interactive map that highlights extensive dollar spot trials and includes interviews with well-known turfgrass researchers and dollar spot experts. They can also learn about best practices for resistance management and earn GCSAA education points by watching a dollar spot webinar.
“Dollar spot is one of the most prevalent turfgrass diseases in the world,” said Lane Tredway, Ph.D., technical services manager for turf at Syngenta. “By using tools like this prediction model and following a strategically planned agronomic program featuring the latest control options, superintendents can plan a preventive, more effective approach to dollar spot management.”
For more information about dollar spot control solutions, visit Join the conversation on Twitter with @SyngentaTurf and #DollarSpotSolutions.
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