
Sunshine State Biomass Cooperative (SSBC) Names ECHO Inc. As Preferred Handheld Supplier (Mar 10)

(March 10, 2016 – ECHO Incorporated has been chosen by Sunshine State Biomass Cooperative (SSBC) to be their preferred supplier for handheld outdoor power tools. ECHO Inc., in cooperation with its distributor and dealer base, will supply ECHO and Shindaiwa products to a network of over one hundred landscape maintenance, tree trimming, golf course and land clearing companies based primarily in Florida. The agreement took affect March 1.

SSBC was formed to provide an efficient way for its member companies to dispose of green waste that formerly went to landfills. Material is transferred to processing sites managed by BioCarbon Technologies and recycled into products that will enhance the environment. These companies produce millions of tons of ‘green waste’ per year. There are an estimated 12,000 people employed in these member firms. Over the years, SSBC has signed agreements with a number of leading companies that add value to their co-op.

ECHO Incorporated is a leading manufacturer of professional grade outdoor power equipment for professional use. The corporation markets its products primarily under the ECHO, Shindaiwa and ECHO Bear Cat brand names.

The Sunshine State Biomass Cooperative is an agricultural cooperative formed and owned by its 105 member companies. The SSBC was created with the intent to reduce the disposal cost for member vegetation by recycling the material into valuable agricultural products and sharing in the profits.

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