Soil Tech’s TurfTech Bio has been solving tough soil
problems for golf courses since 1986. This tripleaction
bio-fertilizer cuts fertilizer needs, reduces soil
compaction, and suppresses turfgrass pathogens.
The easy-to-use formulation consists of nitrogenfixing
cyanobacteria that restore the soil’s biological
fertility, beneficial bacteria to inhibit fungal development,
and polysaccharides that improve crumb structure
of the soil. “These polysaccharides form larger
soil aggregates which appear to be beneficial to the
soil,” claims Iowa State University microbiologist Dr.
Fred Williams. His research documented a structural
change in soil treated with the product.
Soil Tech’s TurfTech Endo has been providing superintendents
with a unique problem-solving tool that
speeds up the grow-in process for damaged turf,
or in newly seeded or sodded areas. The easy-touse
formula consists of a concentrated blend of
1) endo-mycorrhizae that encourage a dense root
system, 2) nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria that restore
the soils biological fertility, 3) beneficial bacteria to
inhibit fungal diseases, and 4) polysaccharides that
improve crumb structure of the soil. TurfTech Endo is
a powerful tool that has helped hundreds of superintendents
keep their courses in top condition, even in
the worst of circumstances.
Jim Evans, superintendent at Turnberry C.C. in Lakewood,
Ill., describes his experience with TurfTech
products. “We have used TurfTech
Bio and more recently TurfTech Bio-
Min since May of 2001. We use the
recommended rate of one pound
per acre with four applications,
usually starting in May and then at
four- to five-week intervals. We treat 30 acres of
tees, greens, and fairways that are primarily creeping
bentgrass on soils that range from peat to heavy
clay to a modified mix with sand top dressing on the
Jim notes these results: “In the first year of using
TurfTech Bio, we noticed good color and vigor with
reduced fertilizer use, but most of the significant
improvements to the golf course have come from
our continued use over the past 11 years.”
These results include:
• Reduced nitrogen use (TurfTech provides about
one pound of spoon-fed ammonia during growing
• Reduced use of wetting agents, fungicides for
patch disease, and pre- and post-emergent herbicides
for poa annua control
• Significant reduction in poa annua populations
and a big increase in creeping bent populations
• Improved quality, density, color, root mass and
depth, and stress tolerance in the bentgrass
• Reduced water usage
• Reduced thatch development
• Better soil structure and friability with improved
ease of penetration for aerification tines
“The end result of our 11 years of TurfTech use has
been better quality bentgrass turf with less labor
and less resources. No matter how low the maintenance
budget goes, we will always use TurfTech in
our maintenance program at Turnberry,” Jim concluded.
According to Steve Nichols, vice president
of sales for Soil Technologies
Corp., “Our TurfTech products have
provided thousands of superintendents
with science-based solutions
for nearly 25 years. Our approach
has always been to provide maximum product results
by supplying mega-doses of beneficial bacteria
that work as bio-fertilizers and soil conditioners. We
probably wouldn’t still be in business if we had ever
compromised our product quality by cutting corners.
When superintendents find out that TurfTech results
exceed their expectations, then they stick with the
program. There is really a cumulative effect with biological
products that adds up to big cost savings and
better turf quality when they are used over several
years in a turf management program like ours.”
Since 1983, Soil Technologies Corp. has been a pioneer
in the production and marketing of bio-rational
pest management and plant growth products for
agricultural and horticultural crops. Through product
innovation and licensing, Soil Tech has created a
unique line of minimum-risk products for growers,
landscapers, and golf course turf managers. Soil
Tech supplies its bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, and
soil conditioners in the USA, Europe, Latin America,
and Asia. With over 25 years of- experience in the
business of biological pest and soil management,
Soil Tech products offer unmatched efficacy and
safety with a continuing commitment to produce
only ecologically safe and effective technologies.
641-472-3963 ext. 105