

Smith Turf and Irrigation (STI), one of the largest golf, landscape and irrigation distributors on the East Coast, was recently named an Underhill master stocking distributor for golf products.

The announcement was made by Ed Underhill, president of the irrigation equipment manufacturer.

STI is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, and has 20 branches in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. The company was founded in 1925 by E.J. Smith and is still owned and operated by the Smith family, including Chairman Wayne Smith, Jr., President Steve Smith and Executive Vice President Anna-Lindsay Yarbrough.

“STI is known for offering best-in-class products and integrated solutions for golf and landscape management,” said Underhill.

“Their emphasis on customer care and a system approach to golf course irrigation makes them an excellent partner for Underhill products, especially our water-saving Profile golf nozzles,” he said.

Underhill manufactures a broad line of irrigation products for golf, residential and commercial installations, including popular Profile nozzles;
2Wire control systems and decoders; M-160 Total Solution Kits for synthetic turf; AuditMaster sprinkler performance kits; Pellet Pro and LiquidPro applicators; Gulp UltraMax pumps; Magnum and Precision hose-end nozzles and more.

The company is headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, and has been in business for more than 30 years. Tel: 866.863.3744.

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