
Sipcam Announces Federal Registration of Endow Granular Fungicide

Sipcam Agro USA, Inc. is excited to announce the federal registration of Endow Granular (Endow™ G) Fungicide.  Conveniently packaged in 30-pound bags, Endow G is registered for use on all turf types and use sites including golf courses, commercial turf, and residential lawns, making it an extremely flexible product for use in many situations.

Michael Maravich, Vice-President of Specialty for Sipcam said, “We are excited to add a granular fungicide, expanding the number of solutions we can offer our customers.”

Azoxystrobin, the active ingredient in Endow G is a Quinone Outside Inhibitor (QoI).  It offers broad spectrum control of multiple diseases including anthracnose, brown patch, Pythium blight, take-all patch, gray leaf spot, spring dead spot, gray and pink snow mold by impeding the fungus cells’ ability to produce energy, causing the fungus to die.

Additional information can be found at

Sipcam Agro USA, Inc., with headquarters in Durham, North Carolina, is owned by the Sipcam-Oxon Group, a privately-owned Italian company recognized worldwide for its chemical formulation and manufacturing expertise.

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