Press release submitted by the Buffalo Bill Museum.
The Buffalo Bill Museum, LeClaire, will host the 7th annual John Boesch Memorial Golf Outing Saturday, June 21, at Olathea Golf Course, LeClaire.
The golf outing is an 18-hole, four-person best ball tournament with shotgun start at 9 am. In addition to golf with a cart, the $65 entrance fee includes lunch, prizes at every hole, photo, mulligans available for purchase and a cash award on two flights. There also will be a silent auction.
Matthew Boesch, John’s grandson, has again agreed to hold a golf clinic an hour before the outing. Matthew is the golf pro at Hawk’s View Golf Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
Contact the museum at 563-289-5580, or Olathea Golf Course 563-289-4653 for reservations.