
Seedway acquires Merritt Seed Company assets (Nov 6)

November 6, 2015 – SEEDWAY has acquired the assets of the Merritt Seed Company in Baldwinsville, N.Y., from Stanley M. Boots. Boots owned and operated the turf seed business for over 60 years. Boots, his wife Donna, and longtime employee Matthew Bartkowiak provided a high level of quality service to contractors, golf courses, municipalities and school districts across much of New York State and beyond. SEEDWAY has retained Bartkowiak, who, along with Keith Walters, Northern Turf Seed business manager.

SEEDWAY has extensive history in the turf seed business which is managed by Fred Mohr, longtime SEEDWAY Turf Seed Business Manager. Along with an extensive offering of high quality turf seed varieties, proprietary and custom seed mixtures, SEEDWAY offers mulch, fertilizer, erosion control, conservation and cover crop products. In addition to the Lysander location, region wide delivery service will be provided by staff from the SEEDWAY Trumansburg, N.Y., and Shoreham, Vt., locations.

Headquartered in Hall, N.Y., SEEDWAY, maintains locations in Trumansburg and Mecklenburg, N.Y., Shoreham, Vt., Mifflinburg, Emmaus and Elizabethtown in Pennsylvania, Pelham, Ga., and Lakeland, Fla. A full-line seed company, marketing farm and turf seed in 14 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and vegetable seed from the US Rocky Mountains to the east coast and in the southern provinces of Canada, SEEDWAY, LLC is a subsidiary GROWMARK Inc.

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