
Scott Grego Joins Redexim Turf Products (Aug 14)

August 14, 2015 – Redexim Turf Products, the factory direct store for Redexim North America, based in Fenton, Mo., has added a new staff member: Scott Grego of Dallas, TX.
Scott joins the Redexim Turf Products team with extensive experience on both the golf and sports turf sides of grounds keeping. He studied turfgrass management at Michigan State University. Scott gained 20 years of experience in golf course management working at Dundee golf club in Dundee Michigan and Dominion Country Club in San Antonio Texas. After working in golf course management Scott took a position in sports turf management at Toyota Field in San Antonio, TX. In his spare time Scott enjoys golfing, fishing, and traveling with his wife and five children.
“We are excited and privileged to have Scott Grego join the Redexim Turf Products team,” says Paul Hollis, executive vice president. Redexim is internationally known for its development of innovative turf management products for the golf, sports field and landscape markets.
For more information about Redexim products, contact the Scott Grego at 210-232-5911 or visit

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