
Saving Golf from the Bottom of the Market

Nine new golf courses were built in the US last year; however over 200 courses closed their doors and went out of business, and most of them were public and daily fee courses.

My mission and passion are to help any public and municipal golf course, grow its business and become a great and profitable course. That’s right, I will help any public and municipal course anywhere become great and grow the game of golf starting from the bottom of the market.

Private courses have money, good budgets, educated golf course superintendents, big crews, and all the business they need.

My goal is to create hundreds of quality public and municipal golf courses across America that can offer great quality golf for around $50 around including a golf cart. That is how golfers are brought back into the game of golf and can grow golf across America.

I can help any struggling public golf course increase its quality, reduce its budget by $10,000 to $50,000 annually, and increase its rounds of play by 20% to 50%, which will impact the profitability of any golf course.

How is this done?

It’s done by improving plant and soil health together across the entire golf course by implementing fertigation with a Sustainable Golf program of special low-cost fertilizer with ProBiotic organics and humates with organic carbon.

This builds the soil health-promoting root growth and surrounds the plant with ProBiotic biology to overpower all the pathogen diseases. This protects the plant while releasing nutrients tied up in the soil for the plant to take up such nutrients as phosphorus and others. It restarts the soil engine to feed the plant naturally.

Fertigation is a great tool connected to the irrigation system to make each drop of water lightly sweet with nutrients for the plant and soil. Feeding lightly with each irrigation cycle is very efficient and reduces water up to 50%, and reduces fertilizer and chemicals up to 60%.

Few realize that less than 50% of any dry fertilizer ever gets to the plant; however, fertigation is the most efficient way to fertilize getting over 90% of the nutrients to the plant.

Plant and soil health are the results of a Sustainable Golf program to reduce costs and labor, which is the biggest expense.

This program will best use labor, taking the man off the fertilizer spreader and sprayer, and redirect labor to maintenance around the clubhouse and other needed areas to improve the overall appearance and the quality of the golf course.

This program works and has been proven many times on courses like Boiling Springs GC, in Woodward, OK, Railwood GC in Holt Summit, MO, and The Max A. Mandel Municipal GC in Laredo, TX.

Jeff Wagner, the superintendent at Boiling Spring GC, saved over $50,000 this year and improved his rounds by 20%.

All three of these golf courses didn’t have the money to order a complete new fertigation system to achieve these savings and benefits, so they leased the complete fertigation system installed with tanks for about $350 per month.

This is a good plan. Lease the fertigation system installed for about $4,200 per year, and save $10,000 to $50,000 in maintenance costs, as well as increase rounds and tournaments by 20%, which is another $10,000, and improve quality.

Here is another issue to think about. At least 50% of the golf courses in America need a new pump station or new mowers, and many courses need both; however few have the money. This program can save any golf course $10,000 to $50,000 annually.

Here is a way to get a new pump station or new mowers. Save $10,000 and contact any pump station company or mower distributor and use the $10,000 as a deposit to finance a new pump station or new mowers.

Our program will help any public or municipal golf course become great, profitable, and bring the golfers back to golf.

For more information about Turf Feeding Systems call 800-728-4504 or visit them on the web at

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