Irrigation and Drainage

Rain Bird Golf Names Site One As Distributor In Ohio And Eastern Kentucky

SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.

Rain Bird’s Golf Division has expanded its partnership with SiteOne Landscape Supply, which will now represent the manufacturer in Ohio and Eastern Kentucky. SiteOne will now sell Rain Bird golf inventory from three locations in that region: Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and Louisville, Kentucky.

“Rain Bird is excited to begin selling golf products through SiteOne in the Ohio and Eastern Kentucky region,” said Jeffrey Lawson, Rain Bird Golf’s national sales manager. “SiteOne is a strong organization and is a good business match for Rain Bird Golf. We look forward to growing sales with our new partner.”

SiteOne Landscape Supply is the nation’s largest supplier of wholesale irrigation, outdoor lighting, nursery, landscape supplies, fertilizers, turf protection products, grass seed, turf care equipment, and golf course accessories for green industry professionals in the United States and Canada.

“Our experience in offering innovative and highly efficient irrigation systems partnered with SiteOne’s knowledgeable staff will give our customers the best support for their golf course needs,” said Lawson. “We look forward to a long-lasting partnership.”

For more information about SiteOne, visit To learn more about Rain Bird Golf’s full line of golf course irrigation products, visit


Rain Bird Corporation – Golf Division provides complete irrigation solutions to golf courses across the globe. The company has one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leading-edge products including pump stations, rotors, field controllers, map-based and mobile central control systems, decoders, swing joints, filtration systems, valves and irrigation accessories.  Central controls and pump stations are serviced and supported by a comprehensive Global Service Plan (GSP). Rain Bird products and services are sold worldwide through an extensive distribution network. For more information, please contact 1-800-RAINBIRD or visit

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