Golf Course

Pryor Creek Golf Club Steve Hackmann Course Superintendent Loving Being a Morning Riser

Waking up before the sun rises can make for a long day, but when your job description includes catching a sunrise, it’s not all that bad.

“Watching the sun come up every morning on the golf courses is pretty majestic. Some people may think otherwise but to me it’s pretty special,” said Tom Salazar with the grounds crew at Pryor Creek Golf Club in Huntley.

Working at the Pryor Creek Golf Club could be considered a cross between therapy and work. But a peaceful, early start serves as a balance for a long, fast-paced day.

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“It’s really a race in the morning for us. We schedule our maintenance to get a jump start before the golfers get out there and we’re watching the first tee and the first tee time and then we have to get out in front by at least an hour,” said Steve Hackmann, the golf course superintendent.

Every minute counts when the crew has to mow, roll and cut cups for two 18-hole courses.

“When you come in it’s a rush to get out and get started. Everybody pretty much just comes and gets their machine and gets going,” said Julie Hackmann, who works with her husband and is part of the weekend crew at the Pryor Creek Golf Club.

“There is no time to relax and usually that’s why we start early. If you have a flat tire or something breaks down or a pump goes down, you need to respond before the golfers get there,” said Steve Hackmann.

It’s easy to understand why crew members like Steve have been working on golf courses since 1978 with 19 seasons spent at Pryor Creek.

“It’s watching the golf course change and the inputs that you put into maintain the golf course and the impact it has,” Steve Hackmann said.

With a job like his, hitting the greens means a positive impact on your well-being.

“You kind of get your own time and get your peace and thoughts about yourself before the rest of the day starts, all the chaos starts,” said Eric Tiry, grounds worker.

“Just being out here, the green, the golf course is beautiful. Nobody has to be out here, everybody wants to be out here,” Salazar added.

The Pryor Creek Golf Club is located off of I-94 along Pryor Creek Road.

This story is part of a series airing on Montana this Morning in the month of May that focuses on other early morning jobs.

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