Precision Laboratories announces the hiring of Justin Olmstead to the newly created role of turf product manager.
In this position, Olmstead will manage new turf product lifecycles and develop sales programs for existing strategic products. Along with impressive leadership and managerial experience in the turf industry, he has standards of obsessive customer care and results-driven outcomes that align with Precision’s core values.
“I’ve always believed focused product managers would deliver value to our customers,” said Rick Wohlner, president, Precision Laboratories. “This is an opportunity for Justin to bring his expertise to our customers and ensure they receive maximum results from our products.”
Olmstead, a Battle Creek, Mich. native, earned his B.S. degree in crop and soil science from Michigan State University. After working as assistant superintendent at Milwaukee Country Club for seven years, he spent three years as the head superintendent at Glen Flora Country Club in Waukegan, Ill.
Olmstead will be located at the company headquarters in Waukegan, Ill. and travel frequently to facilitate the best product experience for Precision Laboratories’ customers.
About Precision Laboratories
Precision Laboratories is a leading provider of specialized chemistries applied to plants, seeds, soil and water to maximize resource and biological performance potential while stewarding the environment. For more information on the company’s products and its value-added dealers, call 800-323-6280 or visit