
Pipestem Gets Ready For Golf Season

This beautiful weather had many people outside enjoying the day.

While there is no wrong way to enjoy the warm weather, golfers heading over to Pipestem’s Championship Golf course said they couldn’t think of a better way to spend their Saturday.

“Oh it’s great,” said golfer Rick Daniels. “It’s a big change from what we’ve had the last few months.”

Daniels said he has already hit the links a couple times this year.

He joked that the reason he still seems a little rusty might have something to do with the conditions of the course.

“Wet, It was really wet this morning,” said Daniels. “We can only drive on the cart paths this morning which I can understand because there was a lot of water on it this morning.”

While they can’t do too much about the rain, Pipestem State Park Superintendent Dave Caplinger said they’re doing what they can to keep the course clear for golfers.

With the championship course open year round, he said they just have some small maintenance to take care of.

“There’s always limbs here and there,” said Caplinger. “There’s always leaves of course that need to be taken care of and just general clean-up.”

Caplinger said while they still have a little bit of work ahead of them, he said that this weather mixed with the upcoming golf season makes this his favorite time of year.

“I think April is hard to beat,” said Caplinger. “It’s when you get the first blush of Spring wildflowers and the grass really has greened up by then, you see the arrival of new birds every day that are migrating north, April is hard to beat.”

Whatever month it is, Daniels said along as the weather stays nice you can be sure to find him out driving and putting on the golf course.

“Just come out here and enjoy the sun, get a little exercise, and practice,” said Daniels. “And take out some frustrations on the golf balls once in awhile.”

While Pipestem’s championship course is open year-round, Caplinger says they also have a nine-hole par three course that will open April 1 as well.


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