
“Picture-It” with Otterbine new app (June3)

June 3, 2015 – Otterbine releases “Picture-It” with Otterbine® a new online app that allows you to imagine how any Otterbine pattern would appear on a water feature. Accessible through, there is no need to download a program to use and is available anywhere with an internet connection.

“Our products provide aesthetic appeal, whether it is from the benefits of aeration and water quality management or the attractive pattern displays – and they can’t always be described using figures and specs. We wanted to offer our customers the ability see the advantages of installing one of our systems first hand,” says Carla Ott, President of Otterbine Barebo, Inc.

Easy to use with a variety of options, in just 4 simple steps a person will be able to have a strong visualization of how their water feature would look complimented by an Otterbine.

4 Simple Steps: Features of “Picture-It” include:
1. Upload Photo
2. Set Scale
3. Select & Place Patterns
4. Print/Download Image • Complete library of Otterbine patterns
• Adjust system/pattern horsepower
• Place multiple patterns to one photo
• Reposition patterns with real-time scaling capabilities
(some limitations apply)
• Ability to download and print
Ott continues, “We’re excited to bring this feature to everyone, but believe it will be most beneficial for our distribution and contractor networks in providing a value-added service when proposing and quoting projects.”

Developed for the web, “Picture-It” is also compatible with most tablet devices, providing onsite capabilities in sorting through the variety of choices available.

Check out “Picture-It” with Otterbine® online at:, or by navigating through Otterbine’s website via: Resources > Reference Materials > “Picture-It” with Otterbine.

Manufacturing a complete line of aerators and fountains from 1/2HP to 25HP, Otterbine Barebo, Inc. has been leading the industry for over 60 years in quality, performance and customer service. Family owned and operated, the products offered by Otterbine® include: Surface & Sub-Surface Aerations Systems, Giant Fountains, and Fountain Lighting.

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