
North Carolina DENR To Formally Recognize Floating Wetlands As BMP

We have just learned that in June of this year, Floating Wetland Islands (FWI) or also commonly referred to as Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTW), will be formally announced and recognized by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) as an approved BMP for North Carolina. Specifically this means BioHaven Floating Islands are approved for helping to manage our watersheds for improving water quality and meeting our nutrient reduction goals.

We’ve known for some time that placing BioHavens in ponds, lakes, streams and rivers would improve water quality and provide habitat. However now as a BMP, those who install BioHavens will receive an additional credit for Nitrogen or Phosphorus. For example, if you already have a wet detention pond receiving a 25% TN and TP credit, by adding a BioHaven you add another 5% credit for a total credit of 30%, a net increase of 20%. No earth moving, heavy equipment or expensive design engineering, just add BioHavens.

We are awaiting the final credit percentage numbers along with the terms to come out with the June announcement, but regardless this is great news for watershed management!

Coming Soon –
Our Webinar Series Will Start Up For 2013

Starting this spring we will host more of our FREE webinars. For this spring we will present an updated General Technology Overview session plus we will also present for the first time, Improved Living Shorelines with BioHaven Floating Islands. Invitation announcements for these webinars will be out soon.

Later this year we will present a detailed technical session on our Leviathan technology. Also we plan to present more detailed information on BioSwales and BioCoral.

BioHaven® Floating Islands biomic nature and provide a “concentrated wetland effect” that can help solve many environmental problems challenging our water and wildlife. Unlike natural or constructed wetlands, they can be launched in any depth of water and are unaffected by varying water levels.

Floating Island SE (FISE) is an exclusive and licensed manufacturer of BioHaven Floating Islands and this proprietary technology. FISE works with universities, municipalities, government agencies, engineering firms, and various environmental strategic partners to design and sell customized solutions that leverage the BioHaven Floating Island technology.

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