Golf Courses, both Public and Private have had to tighten their belts to better manage budgets, reduced during the economic recession. At the same time, competition for golfers has intensified, forcing Superintendents to find new ways to improve Course appearance and make play more user-friendly. MarkingSmart™ addresses course improvements, at reasonable prices, with more colorful marking devices.
Let MarkSmart™ upgrade your Golf Course with LOW COST-NO LIMIT Color accessories. Using the latest graphics technology, MarkSmart provides added appeal with bright, vivid, colorful Signs, Flags or Markers (or even custom shaped signs) at the same or often less cost than drab Tan and Green or Green and White signs. In addition, our signs are easily changed or updated by simply peeling off the old and adding the new message. Also … two-sided signs are easy with addition of no-limit color decals on the backside … no need for separate signs. And … dual message signs are now possible … without costly Prep Charges for each message.
Custom flags can add a unique look for flags, on the course, practice tee or range. Our high resolution color transfers or edge-to-edge Dye Sublimation flags add impact to your course marking. They also can be used for special events where sponsor information or hole numbers, can be added with no additional cost. Even diagonal or checkered flags can economically be produced without surcharges with the Dye Sublimation process. In Summary MarkSmart™ is a logical, lower-cost choice for creating a “new Course look” without budget-busting capital expenditures.
Innovation since 1987, improving Course appearance while speeding play.
On the Fairway
Markers Inc. was “first” to develop and market Out-of-Bounds and Hazard markers using weather resistant, UV stabilized HOPE materials. They quickly replaced traditional “painted stake” markers and provided a quick, easy way to mark the course, while preserving course integrity and allowing players to easily move markers, make their shot and then return marker to designated location. Three different installation methods, eg; Ground Socket, Poly Stake or Metal Stake, so you can pick the right style for your course conditions.
Standard or custom sizes let you match desired appearance with functionality. Also”,with minor modification, the markers can be quickly adapted to hold rope or plastic chain … MORE FLEXIBILITY to STRETCH your budget. In addition, colorful, 10” round MarkSmart™ yardage markers create a high degree of awareness and are visible from 30 yards, helping players establish proximity to hole no need to wander the course trying to locate the obscure bush or tree, identifying 150 yards to center of green .. another way to SPEED PLAY.
At the Tee Box
Often a golfers “first impression of the hole” is at the Tee. Markers offers several options for Standard or Custom tee markers, many offering the ability to customize the marker with course information, logo or other data …. even specific information for Golf Outings or other sponsor opportunities. Best of all changes can be made quickly and inexpensively, potentially creating another revenue stream for the golf course.
On the Range
MarkSmart™ offers two unique methods of marking Range Distances. Our NEW Pillow style Banners can be used on ranges with facing distances by altering distances on Front and Back. Also … custom or non-standard distances can be accommodated, eg 167 vs the standard 50-300 distance in 25 yard increments. Our steel reinforced frames are designed to last for years. Signs are easily removed/replaced during mowing operations. Also we offer a convenient Ground Socket installation method for Range Flags. The G/S replaces a conventional Golf Cup while still providing a quick removal/replacement capability during mowing operations.
Markers can also provide color coded, In-ground Range markers in HD polymers or cast metal. Markers Inc. offers 28 years of innovative thinking and products for the Golf Course all focused on Reducing course labor, speeding play and enhancing course appearances.