
Mahindra USA expands and personalizes web capabilities (Apr 15)

April 15, 2015 – Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Mahindra USA is continuing to invest in projects to support its rapid growth in North America. Mahindra is expanding its website to include a customized build and price feature, “Build My Mahindra,” helping customers easily configure a tractor to meet their needs and the specifications of working their land. This comes on the heels of Mahindra’s successful grand opening of a fifth North American facility in Kansas and the launch of a new product line, the mPACT XTV utility vehicles.

This engaging “Build My Mahindra” customization tool walks customers through the process of building their tractor in a simple step-by-step process. The tool allows customers to shop at their convenience, from any media device, 24/7. Once a tractor has been built to a customer’s satisfaction, the buyer can forward the information to their local Mahindra dealer to request a quote. This creates a seamless buying experience for the customer, from tractor configuration to purchase.

“Mahindra’s strong growth stems from our customer-first philosophy, and our new Build & Price web tool is an example of this philosophy in action,” said Cleo Franklin, vice president of marketing and strategic planning, Mahindra USA. “We listened and responded to our customers with a straight-forward solution to buying a tractor that best fits their needs. We are always looking for ways to improve our customers’ brand experience, and this is one way we can simplify their lives as they work the land they own and love. The tool also supports our dealer network by quickly connecting one of our more than 500 dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada directly with the customer.”

Mac Payne, director of dealer and product development, Mahindra USA, added, “The Build & Price tool on the Mahindra site simplifies the buying process for our customers. It walks them through the buying process from selection of the equipment to suit their needs to finding their local dealer for pricing and purchase. Customers will have the opportunity to review all of the Mahindra products and attachments as they put together the equipment to meet their needs.”

See the new Build & Price web tool at

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