Additional flexibility in product choices and a tiered rebate structure provide greater value
Building on the success achieved in 2018, LebanonTurf has announced several enhancements to the depth and scope of the True Performance Turfgrass Program. New this year, the company is adding more flexibility for qualifying product selection and a multitiered rebate structure based on the volume of each customized program.
The True Performance Turfgrass Program combines two of the most industry-respected brands from LebanonTurf: Country Club® MD and Emerald Isle Solutions™. Country Club MD granular products provide reliable, long-lasting nutrients to the turf, while Emerald Isle Solutions foliar products provide quick and effective nutrients and biostimulants that combat stresses such as heat and drought.
For 2019, LebanonTurf has enhanced the flexibility of the True Performance Turfgrass Program by allowing all the products in the Country Club MD and Emerald Isle Solutions lines to qualify for the tiered rebate offer.
This new structure gives superintendents the opportunity to maximize their saving at varying levels based on the volume of the products they select for their golf course.
$10,000 of Emerald Isle & $2,000 of Country Club MD – 10% total rebate
$7,500 of Emerald Isle & $1,500 of Country Club MD – 7.5% total rebate
$4,000 of Emerald Isle & $1,000 of Country Club MD – 5% total rebate
“These enhancements for 2019 will allow superintendents to take advantage of the program at the level they feel comfortable with while being able to utilize any of the products from both product lines,” said Chris Gray, golf and sports turf market manager at LebanonTurf. “With this program, we’re offering a proven strategy that will give them confidence in their putting green program, arguably the most important part of their course.”
The True Performance Turfgrass Program is based on independent, university research conducted at Purdue University, the University of Arkansas, Auburn University and the University of Florida. These studies clearly illustrate the program’s effectiveness for providing vital nutrients and stress-buffering biostimulants that very effectively manage stressful conditions. They also allow superintendents the ability to deliver high-quality turf for the entire season.
The program officially launches this September to allow superintendents ample time to plan for the 2019 season. The True Performance Turfgrass Program will be featured at the 2019 Golf Industry Show, February 2-7 in San Diego, California. Superintendents can meet there with product experts to learn more about the program and develop their own customized plan tailored for their specific golf course. Customers can also speak to their local distributor to learn more and purchase the program.
For more information on LebanonTurf, visit the LebanonTurf website.