
Jacobsen honors top dealers, salespeople

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Jacobsen recognized its top-performing dealers and salespeople during the Golf Industry Show in San Antonio late last month.

Jacobsen’s Dealer of the Year award went to B. Hayman, a Hawaii-based dealer with 45 years in the industry. The top honor is based on a dealer’s sales growth, market penetration, and market share.

Individual dealer salesperson awards went to Mitch Stewart of Turfwerks (Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Missouri), Duane Cyr of Jacobsen’s direct location in South Florida, and Mike Harmon of C&M (Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico).

Krigger & Company, Inc. (Pennsylvania and West Virginia) and Wilfred MacDonald (New Jersey and New York) were both recognized for an impressive 85 years as Jacobsen dealers. Others recognized with Years of Service awards as Jacobsen dealers were B. Hayman for 45 years, RMT Equipment (Northwest) for 30 years and TurfWerks for 10 years. In addition, Lawn & Golf Supply Co., Inc. (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware) picked up the Dealer Service Award, which recognizes superior customer service.

Asia-Pacific dealers recognized were Mikuni Shoko Company (Japan) who won the Asia-Pacific Outstanding Service Award, Power Turf (New Zealand) who received the Asia-Pacific Investment in After Sales Support Award and McIntosh and Sons (Western Australia) who took home the Asia-Pacific Sales Conquest Award.

“The dealer awards ceremony is always a special event for us and our dealer network,” said Ric Stone, vice president of sales and marketing for Jacobsen. “Our dealers work so hard throughout the year and we look forward to recognizing those who have truly gone above and beyond for our customers.”

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