
Husqvarna Group announces management succession plans (May 27)

May 27, 2015 – On May 25, Husqvarna Group announced the appointments of Henric Andersson as president of the Construction Division and Brian Belanger as general counsel and senior vice president, legal affairs. The company also replaced Anders Ströby and Olle Wallén, respectively, who have reached retirement age. Andersson and Belanger will be members of Husqvarna Group management, and they will assume their new positions as of August 2015.

Andersson, senior vice president, technology office, joined Husqvarna Group in 1997 and has served numerous roles in product, business and category management, such as executive vice president, product management and development, as well as vice president, construction equipment within the construction business area. He has a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering & Management from Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden. Andersson succeeds Ströby, who is retiring after 35 years with the Group.

Belanger has held the position of vice president of legal affairs for the Gardena Division and the Asia/Pacific region. He joined the Husqvarna Group in 2006, following a decade of law firm experience. In 1995, he graduated from Duke University School of Law, where he earned a joint degree: Juris Doctor and L.L.M. (Master’s degree in International & Comparative Law). Belanger succeeds Wallén, who is retiring after 22 years with the Group.

“I want to thank Anders Ströby and Olle Wallén for their devoted contributions during many years,” said Kai Wärn, president and CEO of Husqvarna Group. “Their roles in creating the Husqvarna Group of today has been significant. Anders and Olle have been very valued colleagues, and they will be missed. Now, as their mentees are stepping up filling their positions, I feel excited seeing both Henric and Brian advancing in their careers, taking on new challenges.”

The search for successors to Andersson and Belanger in their present positions has been initiated.

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