
Golf Convergence publishes complimentary new on-demand webinar (Dec 15)

Golf Convergence publishes complimentary on-demand webinar “How to Control Course Maintenance that Is Spiraling Out of Control” featuring Mike Vogt, CGCS, a consultant with the McMahon Group

JJ Keegan, Managing Principal of Golf Course stated, “It is great having an industry expert like Mike Vogt present his perspective on how golf course owners can continue to provide a superlative golf experience by maintaining appropriate standards, clearly examining labor requirements and engaging in zero based budget business plans.”

Mike Vogt comments during the webinar that “Resources are being fettered away on labor, chemicals and fertilizers to stay competitive for the shrinking pool of players. It’s often not acknowledged, but I believe business skills often make the difference. If the course operator or board of directors quantifies all the tasks needed, you would be astounded by the hours of labor needlessly spent. Following a simple three step program, your course operation can be functioning at superior efficiency.”

Mike Vogt is one of several guest lecturers in the Golf Convergence Webinar series. To register for the Winter Webinar Series to develop a 2015 strategic plan and to keep abreast of changes visit

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