To support a 2017 year long theme of “Give Back,” Stens will offer a spring 2017 educational scholarship to one or more recipients associated with the power equipment industry. For each Franzen SA6 chainsaw chain sharpener that was purchased in October 2016, Stens contributed $250 towards the scholarship fund, with an additional $100 contributed toward the scholarship fund for every Franzen SA6 purchased between November 1, 2016 and March 1, 2017.
The Stens Give Back Scholarship(s) will be awarded to a Stens dealership employee or dealership employee’s child who is pursuing post-high school education or training for the 2017-2018 school year. A maximum scholarship awarded to one recipient is $1,000, with multiple scholarships likely to be granted. The actual scholarship amount awarded to each individual will be based on the number of Franzen chain sharpeners sold October 1, 2016 through March 1, 2017 and the number of scholarship applications received. A scholarship pool of several thousand dollars is expected.
The scholarship application form will be available on by January 1, 2017, with applications accepted through April 1, 2017. Scholarship recipient selection will be made by no later than May 1, 2017.