Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) member superintendent salaries increased an average 2.7 percent from 2009 to an average of $81,044, according to the 2011 GCSAA Compensation and Benefits Report.
Certified golf course superintendents’ average salaries also saw an increase, to an average of $95,264, approximately a 2 percent increase from 2009.
GCSAA member superintendent salaries have risen every year that GCSAA has conducted its compensation and benefits survey. The average GCSAA member superintendent salary has shown an overall gain of 82.12 percent from $44,500 in 1993 when the biennial surveys began.
“This survey reinforces that employers continue to see GCSAA members as vital leaders who are essential to the economic success of their facilities,” GCSAA President Robert M. Randquist, CGCS, said. “To continue to see growth in our average salaries in these times, is a testament to the value of our members.”
The 2011 survey invited all GCSAA Class A and Superintendent Members to participate. GCSAA received a phenomenal response rate of 50.8 percent. GCSAA conducts the survey to acquire demographic data that is shared with various constituents, used to advocate on behalf of the profession and reveal trends in salaries across the country. For superintendents and employers, the state-by-state and facility-type data can be used as a starting point for salary negotiations.
In addition to detailed superintendent salary information, assistant superintendent, equipment manager and crew payroll information was collected, as well as annual maintenance budgets and other data relevant to the superintendent. Key demographic information is outlined below:
• average age of a golf course superintendent – 45
• average years of experience – 14.7
• average tenure – 9.5 years
• average staff size – 21
GCSAA members who participated in the survey receive free online access to the report. They may also purchase a hard copy for $25 by calling GCSAA at 800-472-7878. Non-participating GCSAA members may purchase online access for $125, or both online access and a hard copy for $150. Non-members may purchase a hard copy for $525.