
From Tee to Green: Your Golf Course Signage Specialists

When From Tee to Green first opened shop in 1986, the Cincinnati, Ohio, company primarily focused on course measurement signage, sprinkler tags, and yardage books. By 1990, it had added its distinctive bronze line to its inventory of products.

Although From Tee to Green is now recognized as one of the leading bronze product suppliers for golf courses in the U.S., it has also expanded its offerings to include aluminum, granite, and wood signage options. Today the company’s inventory features tee signs; tee, green or fairway markers; directional, course, cart path, practice range, and specialty signage; golf flags, flagsticks, cups, sign mounts, sprinkler head distance marking systems, select specialty products, and laser measuring services for golf courses.

Go for Bronze

Bronze, composed typically of copper and tin, is recognized as one of the strongest and hardest metal alloys. Bronze signs are durable despite weather extremes, hold details well and maintain their clarity and luster as the years go by.
Describing bronze as “the material of choice” for an upscale and traditional look, the experienced team at From Tee to Green offers direct-from-the-foundry service and pricing. Customers receive quality products and personalized attention delivered at a competitive price.

Committed to the design philosophy that “less is more,” the signage specialists at From Tee to Green point to the simple and timeless appeal of bronze as a way to enhance the appearance of the facility without distracting from the natural beauty of the course.

The Aluminum Alternative

Although not initially in the company’s signage lineup, aluminum signs have claimed their spot as a popular option used for tee signs, tee, and fairway yardage markers, entrance signs, practice range signs, and building signage. Tee signs can be made with or without hole layouts, but 3-D graphic layouts add distinctive visual appeal and engage golfers in a unique way.

Aluminum is extremely durable and weather resistant, will not chip, crack or peel, and today’s technology makes it possible to embed a four-color image directly into the sign rather than onto it.

Granite Signage: Durability You Can Take “For Granite”

Durable granite signage is both low maintenance and timeless in appeal. From Tee to Green offers tee signs, tee yardage signs, tee markers, fairway and practice range signage, and directional signs that are carefully sand crafted in granite and then hand-painted with top-quality industrial enamel paint, resulting in decades of durable use. From Tee to Green granite signs are available in natural stone colors of vintage red, star gray, paradise black, and Canadian mahogany.

“Our ability to hold the fine detail of your logo is a capability that sets us apart. Fine details are achieved through meticulous graphic art, photo etching and sand-casting techniques.”

Set Your Message in Stone with Realistic Artificial Boulder Signs

Even though the look of signage set in stone is popular, not all golf courses are built in geographic areas where large and impressive natural boulders are readily available. And shipping large stones to your facility can be costly. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the look of on-course and facility signage set in stone. From Tee to Green offers realistic cast stone replicas of actual rocks and boulders.

These signage boulders are cast of real stone material to form hollow “stones” with no bottom surface. The hollow design of the stones means that the finished weight of the product is measured in pounds, not tonnage. Small artificial rocks weigh approximately fifty to sixty pounds and are suitable for signs of up to 8 inches by 12 inches, while larger artificial rocks weigh three to four hundred pounds and can be used with signs up to 26 inches by 20 inches.

The walls of the material are two inches thick, thereby reducing the stone’s weight, but not its durability. Stable and strong, each stone is guaranteed against cracking under normal usage. Because the stones are crafted from natural stone materials, stones weather the same way real rocks weather, and signage is actually inset into a hand-chiseled recess, just as it would be with a real boulder.

Installation is simple, and the turf need not be damaged during the installation process. Should you ever need to move the stone because of course redesign or relocating a tee box, the stones are easy to reposition.

Not a Catalog House

Although a few remarkable products, such as the AwayWithGeese light system, may find a spot in the From Tee to Green product collection, in general, this signage company strategically chooses to keep its inventory high in quality and targeted on signage. As Jack Oliver explained, “We are not a large catalog house with products made by many different suppliers. We specialize only in signage and, as such, can provide you with our knowledge, our attention to all details, fast turnaround, and unsurpassed quality.”

You will find From Tee to Green products on such notable golf courses as Bellerive Country Club, the Atlanta Athletic Club, Medina Country Club, Olympic Fields, Oakmont Country Club, Valhalla Golf Club, and Winged Foot Golf Club to name only a few of the more than 1,600 high-end daily fee and private golf courses the company serves.

Learn more about From Tee to Green at

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