
Foley United is pleased to release the biggest innovative leap in grinder technology in two decades (Mar 2)

March 2, 2015 – Foley United is pleased to release the biggest innovative leap in grinder technology in two decades with the 653 AccuMaster and 633 AccuPro spin/relief reel grinders. All new and unique design features include:

  • Accu-Reel Selector, a revolutionary rear roller mounting system that perfectly locates the reel based on manufacturer and diameter.
  • Accu-Touch 3™ Control takes automation and productivity to the next level; just tell it what you’re working on and pre-defined spin and relief programs will do the work while you do something else. An animated Tutorial feature walks new technicians through set-up and is easily bypassed for the experienced operators.
  • Accu-Positioning Gauge uses a bubble-style graphic and takes all of the thinking out of reel gauging.
  • Counter-Balanced Spin Drive system pivots and floats for an easy connection to the reel.
  • Relief Angle Adjuster automatically provides correct angles and clearances when choosing to relief grind.

Visit to see more features and detail on how the highest quality grind in the world just got easier! “Touch-up” spin grinding or returning to specifications, nobody does either with more quality, efficiency, productivity, and innovation than Foley United.

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