Solitare WSL, a new water soluble liquid herbicide formulation offering increased application efficiency while controlling more than 40 weeds, is now available from FMC. Turf management professionals who purchase the herbicide before July 31, 2015 will receive $5 off each ¾-gallon job.
The new Solitare formulation contains a surfactant for faster plant penetration and will not settle out or separate when mixed with water. Designed to combat crabgrass, sedges and broadleaf weeds in a single application, Solitare eliminates the need to tank mix with other herbicides.
“Solitare WSL adds efficiency to ride-on sprayer applications, providing increased flexibility and outstanding weed performance,” said Jay Young, herbicide brand manager for FMC. “Solitare WSL is an excellent example of FMC’s commitment to customer-driven innovation.”
Providing fast, visible results with symptoms appearing just a few days after treatment, Solitare is an optimized, dual-action formulation of sulfentrazone and quinclorac. Solitare controls goosegrass, ground ivy, chickweed, closer, spurge and many other troublesome weeds. It may be used on seeded, sodded or sprigged turfgrasses that are well established.