Eagle Golf, a Dallas-based golf course management company, announced a new partnership with The Hispanic Golf Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing innovative and cutting edge programs to the Hispanic community through the game of golf.
Eagle Golf’s affiliation to the Hispanic Golf Network hopes to bridge the gap between the golf industry and Hispanic golf professionals by providing special incentives at their Eagle Golf properties.
According to the National Golf Foundation, minorities only make up about 21% of the estimated 27.1 million golfers in the U.S. Joe Munsch, President and CEO of Eagle Golf, hopes this alliance will help bring more Hispanics to the game of golf.
“The Hispanic population numbers are going up while the number of golfers is going down. This has to change,” said Munsch. “Our goal is to introduce more Hispanics to the game of golf. We are excited about our alliance with The Hispanic Golf Network and the impact our venture will have on the game.”
The Eagle Golf partnership with the Hispanic Golf Network also aims to get Hispanic golfers more interested in golf course management. “We want to increase the number of Hispanic golf professionals working in pro shops as well as in management positions.”
Joe Arias, President and CEO of the Hispanic Golf Network, is optimistic about the new partnership.
“We have a solution to the golf industry’s problem,” said Arias. “We have a vision to involve more Hispanics in the game of golf which will benefit the population and grow the game at the same time.”
About Eagle Golf
Eagle Golf, a Dallas-based organization, is a proven leader in golf course management, operating 71 daily fee and private country clubs with over 5,000 co-workers in 13 states. Visit http://www.eaglegolf.com for more information.
About The Hispanic Golf Network
The Hispanic Golf Network is a program of THE HISPANIC CHALLENGE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing innovative and leading edge programs to the Hispanic community.
Source: www.prweb.com