clean the inside of the tank
Miguel Sanchez (@sanmoy87) – Tweeted: Does anybody have a awesome tip to clean the inside of the tank on a 5800? The Twitter community was there too help with solutions and some with a little comedy.
Brack Crouch Equipment/Fleet Manager, Talisker Club at Tuhaye (@BrackCrouch) Hand the smallest guy on the crew a scrub brush and a TyVec suit.
Kevin Hennigar Head equipment manager at Angus Glen and Goodwood Golf Clubs (@Canadianeh79) Has to be industrial toilet bowl cleaner with hydrochloric acid. Mask up.
Chad Braun Equipment Manager @ Town & Country Club (@CBraunEM) Schaefer’s Citrol (..or an acid toilet bowl cleaner) along with a long handled floor scrub brush, then your hot water pressure washer should do a great job on that. Of course a little more time spent cleaning by your spray tech after each use will prevent it from happening.
Jamie J Borowski (@Jamie_Borowski) Hotwater and ammonia. Soak overnight. Drain, rinse 2x with freshwater, drop a guy in with a box of magic erasers. Only certain toilet bowl cleaners work, and those should be done monthly, not annually…
Angry Golf Course Mechanic (@angrygolfmech) You probably should not be cleaning the inside of the tank. Use tank cleaner and let it agitate. You don’t want to stick your head in there and breath the chemicals in.
Chris Hyman Former Class A GCSAA Superintendent, Equipment Manager @ Cobblestone Creek CC (@chyman_g) I use Harrell’s pigment cleaner on our MP5800. Let it sit for a few minutes, give it a scrub and power wash with heat. May take 2 or 3 rounds being that bad but it will get it white again. Or Or just hire this guy to clean it .. (insert picture of SpongeBob)
Chase Smith Assistant GC Super (@VOLfromCLT) Harrell’s pigment cleaner. Use a 1 gallon sprayer. Scrub as much as you can, then pressure wash. Did it this morning and did quite well.
Related: How to Buy the Best Golf Course Equipment
Eric Johnson Director of Agronomy at Chambers Bay (@altshot2) ammonia and hot water (~50 gal), close the lid, overnight soak, scrub, drain. Spray Toilet bowl cleaner (other tank cleaners may work) and let dwell for a few minutes, scrub, rinse. Follow with hot pressure wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Big Deal Big Mike Golf Course Superintendent at Polo Fields Golf and Country Club (@PoloFieldsGCCMI) Have a really skinny mechanic
Arron McCurdy Golf Course Superintendent – Shoreacres (@arron_mccurdy) Eximo. Spray on your turf too!
Brad Bailey Equipment Manager at Four Seasons Golf and Sports Club (@bbbailey10) WhiteOx and a scrub brush.
Kyle Masters (@TheGreensMaster) Hot water power wash?
Erin Stevens, CGCS, MG Director of Agronomy at Coral Creek Club (@ELStev_CCCSuper) 1 gal of ammonia to full tank of water, agitate and then let sit for a day and overnight and then spray out.
Wesley J Foster Golf Course Turfgrass Professional, Assistant Superintendent at Bedford Golf (@Wesley11720904) Toilet bowl clear is the best. Make sure it had hydrochloride.
August Lietzen Green Industry professional (@AugustLietzen) Post Flight from Heritage PPG should work
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