August 21, 2015 -The Deep South Turf Expo has announced speakers for the inaugural event Oct. 13-15 in Biloxi, Miss.
Among the academics and researchers who will be presenting are Drs. Beth Guertal, Dave Han, Lawrence Graham and Scott McElroy, (Auburn); Drs. Stephen Enloe and Bryan Unruh, (University of Florida); Dr. Ron Strahan, (LSU); Drs. Christian Baldwin, Jay McCurdy, Barry Stewart and Maria Tomaso-Peterson, (Mississippi State), and Dr. Mike Goatley (Virginia Tech).
In addition, leading industry professionals will speak on aspects of professional development in all arenas of turf management. The group includes Bill Brown, Turf Republic; Ken Magnum, CGCS, retired from Atlanta Athletic Club; and Ray Sayre of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos. Click here to see the complete speaker lineup.
“The Deep South Turf Expo is a great opportunity for the region’s professional turfgrass managers to broaden their knowledge base, right in their own backyard,” McCurdy said. “The educational topics featured are relevant to southern turfgrass management, and the speaker list is phenomenal. The expo will be unprecedented, with vendors and sponsors from around the nation.”
Unruh agrees. “There is strength in numbers. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana: Four states – one turf conference,” he said. “An excellent opportunity to meet with your colleagues to learn the latest in turf management, participate in a large equipment expo, and enjoy comradery with each other.”
The Deep South Turf Expo is a collaboration of the Alabama Turfgrass Association, the Alabama Golf Course Superintendents Association, the Gulf Coast Golf Course Superintendents Association, the Louisiana-Mississippi Golf Course Superintendents Association and the Mississippi Turfgrass Association.