Coyote pups spend morning in a laundry bin
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Two coyote pups rest in a laundry basket.nextplay/pausepre2/2
A litter of coyote pups spent the morning nestled in a laundry bin after being taken in by a local animal-lover.
“I noticed her tail and realized…
Carolyn Briscoe, who regularly walks her dog through the King’s Forest golf course, is used to seeing coyotes in the area.
She’s been watching a coyote family for a while – even nicknaming the “dad” coyote Louie – and says he is friendly with her German shepherd, Shadow.
But for the past four days, she hasn’t seen the full-grown coyotes – only their five pups. She believes the parents to be dead.
“I have been involved in the city of Hamilton golf courses for 23 years. At no time has golf course staff killed coyotes,” says Rob Gatto, manager of municipal golf operations. So on Thursday morning, she got Shadow to fetch the pups from their den and one by one, she tucked them into her sling bag.
“They’re so tiny, they all fit in the sling bag,” she says. “They were friendly.”
When she got them back to her home, they curled up together in a laundry bin while she called a wildlife vet in Brantford.
Soon after, a representative from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), responsible for the management of coyotes, called and “scolded” her for taking the pups.
“She said it’s against the law to take pups out of a den,” Briscoe says, adding the ministry contact suggested the parents were off hunting.
“I said ‘Look, I’ve been around the last four days and they’re not there. I took them because I didn’t want them to die. Now you’re telling me I’m going to get punished?'”
Briscoe argues that wildlife management should be under the mandate of the Ministry of the Environment rather than the MNR, “who are issuing hunting licences … animals aren’t their concern, keeping them alive.”
Wildlife relocation is regulated under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. If an animal is captured it must be released unharmed in proximity to the capture site or, if sick or injured, delivered to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
The pups are now in the care of a wildlife foster care organization in Grimsby.