
Club Car supports Folds of Honor Foundation (Mar 23)

March 23, 2015 – Club Car President and CEO Marc Dufour presented a check for $10,000 to the Folds of Honor Foundation on Friday, March 20. The organization sponsors scholarships for dependents of veterans who were disabled or killed in service to our nation.

The check was presented at Club Car’s corporate offices in Augusta, Ga., after a moving presentation by Allen Wronowski, who accepted the check on behalf of the foundation. Mr. Wronowski is honorary president of the PGA of America and director of golf development and relations for the Folds of Honor.

“Club Car is very pleased to partner with this organization that’s doing such wonderful work honoring American patriots and caring for their families,” say Dufour.

Of the more than one million dependents adversely affected by deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, nearly nine out of 10 do not qualify for federal scholarship assistance.

Folds of Honor and its partners help meet their needs by providing higher education tuition assistance for spouses and children and supporting private education tuition, tutoring and educational summer camps for children K-12.
Members of Club Car’s Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) also attended the ceremony and a luncheon that followed. VERG is comprised of Club Car employees who donate time to help veterans, active military members and their families through networking, special events and welcoming and onboarding veterans into the Club Car family.

The Club Car VERG chapter is currently in the planning phase to create an annual event that will provide a perpetual source of support to the Folds of Honor Foundation. “We are excited about this unique opportunity to give to the families of those who have in some cases given their all for their country,” said Kurt Wilson, chairman of the Club Car VERG chapter.

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