
Chippendale Golf Course hires superintendant (Mar 24)

March 24, 2015 – Chippendale Golf Course has hired Kevin Custic as the new course superintendent. Custic is a Class A Superintendent recognized by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and comes to Kokomo with more than 20 years’ experience.

“I have a passion for golf, and I love the industry. I love the things we do for the environment and for the community,” he said.

Custic is ready to plant his roots at the course and also within the community. The Kansas City transplant began his career on golf courses when he was in high school and needed a summer job. While attending Kansas State University, Custic switched his major to turf science. That first job on a golf course in high school developed into a lifelong passion for environmental processes, and the effect that golf courses have on maintaining the health of the earth.

“There was a study [I saw recently] that showed that golf courses now are becoming a good resource of returning oxygen to the environment,” said Custic. “We’re the front line of what is going on with what goes on [environmentally]. A lot of people don’t realize the level of education that goes into caring for a golf course. There’s a lot of science that goes into it. If people don’t see it, we’re doing our job by catching issues before they happen.”

He is busy working on the course, getting the acreage prepared for spring after the harsh winter.

“I finally got to see it [last] Monday without any snow on it, and [the course] is phenomenal. We’re working on pruning, working on the trees, and picking up winter debris that we can get to now. Spring is going to be here before we know it, and we don’t want to be behind the eight ball.”

Custic hopes to have the greens rolled in the upcoming week and get the first cut of the season shortly after. Then he said he would work his way backward on the holes until he reaches the tees. Granted, all of the plans are weather permitting.

“People have been waiting all winter for nice days,” he said. “Slowly but surely we’re getting all the equipment out on the course. The pins and cups are all back in and some of the tee markers, but not all. We’re going to push to get things going.”

What he is most looking forward to is meeting the membership of the course and developing relationships with the golfers. Custic said he has been welcomed with open arms by the Humphrey family and already feels like a member of their family.

“This is a great course and it has a great track. I think it’s a hidden gem,” he said. “I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone out here. If they’re anything like the Humphreys, it’s going to be a great year.”

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