
Chad Stockton is promoted to Senior Assistant Golf Course Superintedent while Christian Drake explores other opportunities…

Congratulations to current 2nd Assistant Superintendent, Chad Stockton, who is being promoted to Senior Assistant Superintendent.  Chad has been employed at the Club for 20 years and is beyond excited to serve in this role!  Chad is a graduate of Penn State University, Turfgrass Management Program.  Chad has a great attitude and understanding of member expectations that will enable him to excel in his new position, making the transition seamless.

Which unfortunately means….

Our best wishes go out to Current Senior Assistant, Christian Drake, who after 6.5 seasons, has decided to explore other opportunities.  Recently married, Christian is moving to Asheville, NC with his wife, a recent Pharmacy Graduate, who just accepted a position in Asheville.  Christian has been a great team player and leader for the past 6 years and there is no doubt he will be successful.  He will be working until late June so please be sure to wish him well!  Christian was one of the finest Assistants to come through the HCC program and will be missed as a co-worker and a friend.  This was a tough decision he had to make and one he never took lightly.  The impact he had on HCC is great an I personally am grateful for his time here.

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