All of us at R.W. Sidley, Inc. are pleased to welcome Eric Ludewig back to the Sidley Team. Eric will be working...
"This is a well deserved honor for Anthony, who is an innovative and tireless environmental steward," said Kuhns, GCSAA president
Redexim Turf Products, the factory direct store for Redexim North America, announced the addition of a new staff member, Chris Hilmes of...
Jacobsen, a Textron (NYSE: TXT) Company, announced today it recently sold its 5,000th ECLIPSE™ greens mower. In just under six years, the...
August 5, 2015 – With its roots in the golfing boom of the late 19th century and a design pedigree tracing back...
August 5, 2015 – The Stihl BR 450 and Stihl BR 450 C-EF (63.3-cc) backpack blowers come packed with new features for...
August 5, 2015 – Herbert V. Kohler Jr., who served as CEO of the Kohler Co. for 43 years and led the...
August 4, 2015 – Jeremy Laak does more by 9 a.m. than most people do all day. And on a good day,...
August 4, 2015 – With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought State...
August 4, 2015 – It’s the premier sporting occasion on the planet, watched by a global TV audience estimated at over 3.6...